Powerful IP Insights to maximise your Innovation Outcomes


We apply over 15 year’s expertise in IP searching, management and analytics to partner with:

Inventors * IP owners * Patent attorneys * Investors * Advisors

To help maximise innovation outcomes


  • Understand the patent and non-patent landscape using our InventionScape process to find your point of difference.

  • Benefit from our unique means of ranking and classifying search results that focus your attention on the most relevant documents, reducing your time spent on reviewing results and highlighting your points of differences.

  • Gain insights on your market potential by looking for other companies filing similar patents to your invention. Who are they? Where are they filing? What are they filing? What can this tell you the potential commercial success of your proposed product?

  • Check if your proposed brand is being used by potential competitor as a trade mark, domain name or in social media with our BrandScape service .

Product development and launch

  • Investigate if your concept has Freedom to Operate in your target markets. Go beyond spreadsheets and review the results in fully interactive online files, with sophisticated categorization of results and flexible, user-controllable highlighting of keywords anywhere within the patent specification.

    “This is a game-changer”

    “Has reduced the time need to review the results by 80%, while improving my confidence in the results”

  • Where we find patents or designs that may block you, we can help you knock them out with our invalidation searching.

  • Strengthen your R&D Tax incentive claim with our Tax R&D Patent Search.

Sales growth and success

  • Monitor your known and new competitors, using any of our CompetitorWatch, IPWatch or PatentWatch services. These can be fully automated or carefully curated, depending on your preferences.

IP Licensing

  • Identify licensing opportunities for your IP using our LicenseScape service, and even help provide reasons why potential licensees could benefit from your IP.

  • Review entire IP portfolios with our Portfolio Report service - which can also identify competitors and rank patent and design families.

Our points of difference

Fully interactive online results using Patseer technology

Do you prefer to review your finances using interactive online banking - or - bank statements?

Patent-Insights increasingly delivers project results in fully interactive online (yet secure) project files, where users can:

  • Review results in a wide range of formats, from compact (allowing rapid review) to the detailed, allow deep review. Or in a fully graphical mode, where the images are important

  • Customise keyword highlighting to focus your review on the terms that matter

  • Rank the results and add individual comments.

  • Capture a range of opinions from a project team

  • Export results in Excel format if desired.

Benefits to clients include:

  • Faster (up to 80%) and more precise reveiw

  • Capturing of comments from a range of team members

Some representative images are shown below:


Ambercite AI technology to deepen the results

Patent-Insights can use the unique and very precise Ambercite AI-based search technology to find very similar patents to the patents that you already know are important. This will strengthen your search results, and decrease the risk that you have missed relevant results.

An example of a Ambercite output is shown below, and again this can be shared in an online format - or the results combined into a Patseer online project.


News and publications


Australasian Agency for Patseer


Patent-Insights is the Australian and New Zealand agent for Patseer patent searching and analytics software.

Patseer brings you an easy-to-use Web 2.0 approach to searching, analyzing, comparing, collaborating, sharing and managing patent data projects. Clients report how they love interacting with the project files, and sharing online projects with their clients and colleagues.

Patseer is built on extensive global coverage of patents, designs and scientific journals - and yet is very cost-competitive compared to other fully-featured patent database solutions.

Contact us to learn more about the different versions of Patseer, which are carefully targeted at different user needs, whether these be R&D personnel, patent attorneys, professional patent searchers, or IP managers.


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About the founder Mike Lloyd

Mike is an experienced IP analyst and IP manager. He analyses IP data from a variety of sources to help patent owners, innovators, startups and patent attorneys to understand more about their IP, and the IP of competing companies and products. Mike has over 15 years of experience in this field, with the majority of the time working for Australia’s leading IP company.

During this time Mike has searched and analysed patents, designs, trademarks and non-patent literature covering a wide range of technical areas including medical technology, mining, food and beverage, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, packaging, software and IT, electrical engineering and building components. Clients have included patent attorney firms, multinational firms, startups, consulting companies, and taxation authorities, both in Australia and globally.

Search projects have been for reasons of Patentability, Invalidation, Freedom to Operate, IP Valuation, IP benchmarking, Support for R&D Tax Claims, and development of IP Strategy.

Mike is also involved in Ambercite, which has developed and globally commercialised innovative patent searching software. Ambercite was developed to complement conventional searching software.

Mike is also the Australasian agent for the patent searching software Patseer.

Contact Mike on +61 419 103 533, or via the contact us form: